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For proper operation, the module requires a load on the direction indicator lights with 2 x 21W bulbs. In the event of no load at the L / R outputs, the module detects the trailer disconnection status and switches on the power to the parking sensor.

Therefore, it is advisable to use the testers with ordinary filament bulbs.



The method of installing the Lights Sender module.
  Installation should be carried out in a place where water can not be accessed (in any case, the module should not be mounted in bumpers or in the wheel arches.) The module housing is IP44 and non-hermetic, which will invalidate the guarantee.
The cable harness should not be lead in a way that does not ensure the stability of the wires. If the cables are moved under the influence of movements, especially at the places of electrical connections, there are situations where there is no proper contact or sparking, which may lead damage wiring.



 What is this mode: "MULTIPLEX"?

It is, in short, sending two different information using a single track. In the automotive industry, this applies to the control of two types of lamps using one wire, pulse-current or voltage PWM (Pulse-Width Modulation). For example, when the position lamps are switched on in the car, the voltage on the control line is reduced, usually up to 25-40% from the supply voltage in the car system, while when STOP is active, the voltage on the control line is 40-90% (depending on type of car).
This mode is applicable for monofilament or LED bulbs, for position light, STOP and anti-fog circuits (58/54, 58 / 54G).

Montage of PVC Solderless Quick Tap Connector

How should one connect the module's inputs to the MULTIPLEX installation?

Usually, in typical such cases, it is enough to control the position and STOP lamps (or fog lights - in the Mercedes / BMW group), connect the corresponding two inputs in the Lights Sender module (shorten both input wires of the module one light input 58 and 54 / 54G )

However, in some cars, for example in the Mercedes group, the voltage levels are so small, they are so little differentiated (because there is current control) that the above method may turn out to be ineffective to drive the position lights and STOP in the trailer. Analog modules are not able to recognize the threshold, for example switching on the STOP lights.The solution to this problem can be the method described in the document below.

Option for VW/BMW/Mercedes group


It can be used to control position lights in the module, license plate lighting and to control the STOP input in the module, an additional third brake light in the car.



 Cooperations the modules Lights Sender with parking sensors


Fonction PDC (Park Distance Control) allows you to control the parking sensor module (reversing) by turning it off at the attached trailer. This is done by disconnecting the power supply (PDC power supply).
When installing a module in a vehicle equipped with parking sensors (analog, not factory fitted CANBus type), disconnect the power supply of the parking sensor system and instead, power the sensor ground control system from the Lights Sender - connect the pink wire as shown below.When the trailer is disconnected, the module supplies the parking sensors, and when the trailer is connected, the parking sensor power is disconnected and the sensors do not work.


If the CANBus parking sensors are factory-fitted, the correct operation of the module may not be possible.

We are ready to answer all your questions.

 Cars (sample) supported list

Lighting control in cars with rear automatic lights.

On cars where the lights go out (on the tailgate) and the interior lights are on (in the trunk) when the tailgate is opened, these circuits should be parallel and separated by rectifying diodes (any type of silicon diode) as shown below. Then, when parked, with a trailer attached and the boot lid open, the trailer lights are not turned off.


Diagram of trailer with 7-pin plug

Diagram of trailer with 13-pin plug

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